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Tag: business process

Five Ways to Shift to AI-First

According to Gartner, artificial intelligence will create $2.9 trillion of business value and 6.2 billion hours of worker productivity globally in 2022.  Many companies are aiming for an AI-first strategy where machine Read more…

Before Strategizing, Conduct an AI Audit

Studies forecast that AI will boost profitability by an average of 38% by the year 2035. If an AI program interpreted this data, the result would be conclusive: Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming one of the econ Read more…

AI Needs To Be Easier, But How?

Companies today are scrambling to take advantage of the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence technologies, such as deep learning. They're driven in part by fear of being left behind, and hopes of getting ahead of c Read more…

Focus on Business Processes, Not Big Data Technology

The rapid evolution of analytics has put a wonderful array of cutting-edge technologies at fingertips, from Spark and Kafka to TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn. And yet, despite this technological treasure trove, the vast maj Read more…

Enterprise AI and the Paradox of Accuracy

As more organizations begin to experiment with AI in their internal operations, an interesting paradox is developing. The best way to think about the state of AI is that it behaves as a very powerful “mimic.” If you Read more…

Business Process Mining Promises Big Data Payoff

As companies grow, behind-the-scenes business processes get more complex. And as the complexity grows, it takes a toll on efficiency. With the advent of big data analytics, companies are finding that techniques like mach Read more…
