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December 17, 2014

RapidMiner Streams Unveiled

BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 17 — RapidMiner, the industry’s easiest-to-use Modern Analytics platform, today debuted RapidMiner Streams — an application that pushes data blending, streaming data analysis, and model scoring into Apache Storm clusters. This new product is part of an overall platform enhancement addressing technology ecosystem connectivity and interactive web applications.

“Leveraging streaming data continues to be a hot category among our customers and prospects. RapidMiner Streams serves the industry’s appetite for applications and analytics that embrace streaming data — a need primarily driven by the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine communications,” said RapidMiner CEO Ingo Mierswa.

RapidMiner Streams is integrated with Apache Storm, for processing streaming data from social media, manufacturing, and wearable sensors, among others. Apache Storm operations can be mixed with over 1,500 RapidMiner operations to create predictive analytic processes for real-time sentiment analysis, embed actions into manufacturing control systems, and prescribe physical activities.

“As organizations of all types are now compelled to explore more data from more sources, few platforms offer the versatility and simplicity required to make advanced analytics readily approachable for anyone. RapidMiner has done a remarkable job of building a solution that meets both goals at once, bringing big data insights to the business user,” said Nik Rouda, Senior Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group.

The company also announced two new releases of its core analytics platform:

  • RapidMiner Studio – in addition to the existing 450 data sources, RapidMiner now includes prepackaged integration with Qlik, Apache Solr, and Mozenda to make possible powerful advanced analytics in combination with these leading platforms.
  • RapidMiner Server – now includes a code free applications designer that allows customers to create predictive apps — web based apps, ad hoc reports, or the embedding of predictive models into business processes.

RapidMiner Studio is integrated with Qlik, a leading BI platform, to visualize predictive analytics in Qlik reports and dashboards. The integration with Apache Solr, a powerful text search platform, leverages Solr’s native text indexing and searching capabilities to augment insights derived from RapidMiner’s text analytics. The integration with Mozenda, a web extraction and scraping platform, facilitates the ingestion of web data to create predictive analytics within RapidMiner.
