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Tag: YouTube

Python Attracts Rookies as Well as Pros

It is no secret that the Python programming language is peaking in popularity among data scientists. Now, would-be coders are increasingly trying to “self-master” the big data framework via online tutorials, accordin Read more…

Cloud DB Combines Kubernetes with Open Middleware

A database service built on the Kubernetes cluster orchestrator takes a multi-cloud approach that allows a master database to run in one cloud while replicated instances are distributed across other cloud services using Read more…

Google Launches Video Analytics Challenge

It's time to organize all those YouTube cat videos. A competition designed to develop classification algorithms for labeling millions of YouTube videos is designed to sort out Google's video trove by creating new search tools for archived footage. The search giant and YouTube owner (NASDAQ: GOOGL) announced the video classification challenge this week that includes cash prizes up to $30,000. Read more…
