Tag: human resources
The Coming Catastrophic Failure Of AI In Business
Typically, this time of year we look to the future and the future of AI isn’t very bright for people. I participated in a podcast on this topic earlier this month. OpenAI has released their template for AGI (Artificial Read more…
How AI Could Be Used to Improve Talent Acquisition and Management
I do a series of weekly podcasts for the Word Talent Economy Forum mostly focused on AI. One of them this month was on how to Improve Talent Acquisition and Management. It’s an area in which I think generative AI, part Read more…
Assessing Leadership Impact with Advanced Analytics
In the contemporary corporate landscape, the assessment of leadership impact on employee work-life balance transcends traditional measures, necessitating a multifaceted approach. Contemporary research underscores the pro Read more…
NYC’s New AI Hiring Law Won’t Be Enforced Until April
Companies with employees in New York City have four more months to figure out Local Law 144, a first-in-the-nation law that will regulate the use of AI for hiring. The law went into effect on January 1, but the city defe Read more…
Attracting Talent Means Taking a Dynamic Approach to Infrastructure
The rise in modern applications has set the growth rate of unstructured data on fire, and handling all of that data can be tough. Businesses not only want to do more with it, they know that they must in order to compete. Read more…
The Future of Workforce Analytics is Hidden in Your Communications
If you want to know how your workforce is doing, you need only to ask. Instead of relying on removed metrics and outdated models, organizations should get their information straight from the horse’s mouth. Better yet, Read more…
Demand for Data Engineers Up 50%, Report Says
Looking to hire a data or machine learning engineer? You’re not alone, as those two positions are among the fastest growing jobs in the country, according to recent figures. The Dice 2020 Tech Job Report labeled dat Read more…
Restive Data Workers Head for Exits
In a sign of the growing bargaining power of “data workers,” one third responding to a recent survey said they would quit over what they considered an “unfair” performance review. Moreover, the survey released Read more…
How To Find and Hire Data Scientists
So you're building a data science team. That's great news! As a business leader, finding a qualified data scientists is a critical step in your company's ability to harness big data and machine learning technologies, whi Read more…
Do Amazon’s Biased Algorithms Spell the End of AI in Hiring?
Amazon recently cancelled an AI-driven recruiting program after it was discovered that it led to bias in hiring recommendations. But does that mean that machine learning has no role in human resources? The data, as you m Read more…
Can Workforce Analytics Help Us Find Work-Life Balance?
Organizations are the sum of their constituent parts. If employees aren't achieving at the highest level, then chances are good the organization is underperforming as well. Organizations are awash in all types of data, b Read more…
Are Meetings a Waste of Time? Data Analytics Weighs In
Have you ever wondered whether big meetings are a giant waste of everybody's time? Now a data analytics startup named VoloMetrix is putting data science to that age-old question, and the answers it's generating might sur Read more…