Tag: streaming data
Slicing and Dicing the Real-Time Analytics Database Market
Organizations that are in the market for analytics databases that can serve an enormous quantity of queries on massive sets of fast-changing data may want to check out the latest Gigaom Sonar report on real-time analytic Read more…
StreamNative Bolsters Pulsar Data Streaming Platform with Ursa
StreamNative, the commercial venture behind Apache Pulsar, today rolled out Ursa, a new data streaming engine for its hosted Pulsar environment that is API-compatible with its competitor, Apache Kafka. Ursa also supports Read more…
Batch Processing and Stream Processing: A Complementary Union for Modern Data Engineering
In the fast-evolving world of data engineering, two methods of data analysis have emerged as the dominant, yet competing, approaches: batch processing and stream processing. Batch processing, a long-established mode Read more…
Using Streaming Data Applications to Power Decision-Making
How do businesses make timely decisions with efficiency? One approach uses streaming (real-time) data applications that collect, analyze, and offer insights about data as it is generated, as opposed to systems that store Read more…
Striim Bolsters Cloud Data Integration to Google
Two months after enhancing real-time data connections to Snowflake and Databricks, streaming data integration provider Striim today unveiled an improved, more secure connection to Google Cloud with the launch of Striim C Read more…
Meet Karthik Ramasamy, a 2023 Datanami Person to Watch
Few individuals have had as much impact on the market for real-time data streaming as Karthik Ramasamy, who is the creator of Apache Storm and Apache Pulsar and the Head of Streaming at Databricks. That’s why we chose Read more…
Yes, Real-Time Streaming Data Is Still Growing
A funny thing happened while the tech world was focused almost exclusively on ChatGPT over the past eight months: Adoption of other cutting-edge technologies kept growing. One of those is real-time stream data processing Read more…
Cable TV’s Latest Hit: Greater Grid Stability
The nation’s electric grids are more vulnerable to blackouts than they used to be. Whether it’s cyber criminals hacking into the grid or the shift to renewable energy sources, electricity distribution is at a critica Read more…
Confluent Works to Hide Streaming Complexity
Technical complexity is inherent when building distributed stream processing systems, particularly when integrating new real-time applications with traditional IT systems. But Confluent, the company behind Apache Kafka, Read more…
Analytics Predictions for 2023
The world is awash in data, and the pace of data generation is increasing. You don’t need a crystal ball to tell you that. But what will the new year bring in the field of big data analytics? We leave that to our panel Read more…
New Flink Startup Immerok Gets Off the Ground
There’s a new startup dedicated to making a business out of Apache Flink, the distrubuted stream processing framework and dataflow architecture that emerged from Germany over 10 years ago. With offices in Berlin and Ne Read more…
Developing Kafka Data Pipelines Just Got Easier
Developing data pipelines in Apache Kafka just got easier thanks to the launch of Stream Designer, a graphical design tool that is now available on Confluent Cloud. Confluent also used this week’s Kafka conference, dub Read more…
Deephaven Streamlines Access to Real-Time Analytics Platform
Getting Deephaven’s real-time analytics system up and running will be easier thanks to a new installation technique using a standard Python library. The open source software also sports a new integration with Jupyter a Read more…
Can Streaming Graphs Clean Up the Data Pipeline Mess?
The previously separate worlds of graph databases and streaming data are coming together in an open source project called Quine. According to its creator, the Akka-based distributed framework is capable of returning Cyph Read more…
StarTree Keeps Real-Time Analytics Fresh with New Options for Pinot
Since it was created at LinkedIn in 2015, interest in Apache Pinot--the distributed storage and analytics engine for real-time analytics--has steadily grown. But over the past year, the number of downloads and active par Read more…
Apache Druid Gets Multi-Stage Reporting Engine, Cloud Service from Imply
Imply, the Northern California company behind the open source analytics database called Apache Druid, made a pair of announcements today during a virtual event, including the beta of a new multi-stage query engine as wel Read more…
It’s About Time for InfluxData
These are heady times for InfluxDB, which is the world’s most popular time-series database, which has been the fastest growing category of databases the past two years, per DB-Engines.com. But when Paul Dix and his par Read more…
Matillion Unveils Streaming CDC in the Cloud
Matillion made its initial entry into the world of cloud-based ETL at the AWS re:Invent conference in 2015. So it was fitting that the company chose last week’s re:Invent as the venue to announce Matillion Data Loader Read more…
Confluent Ships ‘Cluster Linking’ in Kafka Platform Update
Companies that are pushing the envelope in terms of the scale of their real-time streaming data deployments will be happy to know they can now run a Kafka cluster that spans on-prem and cloud resources via cluster linkin Read more…