Tag: Ryan Blue
Meet 2022 Datanami Person to Watch Ryan Blue
As the co-creator of Apache Iceberg, Ryan Blue played a central role in establishing the table data format as a new standard in the open data ecosystem. As the CEO of Tabular, Blue is also buliding a commerical entity ar Read more…
Lakehouse Update a Warehouse Killer, Dremio Says
Dremio co-founder and Chief Product Officer Tomer Shiran says the data lakehouse architecture updates it announced today at the start of its Subsurface Winter Live conference--including a 60% faster query engine, a new d Read more…
Tabular Seeks to Remake Cloud Data Lakes in Iceberg’s Image
The creators of the table format Apache Iceberg launched a new company this summer called Tabular that’s aiming to remake how companies store data in the cloud. If the company has its way, much of the minutia of how da Read more…
A Peek at the Future of the Open Data Architecture
Hadoop may have fizzled out as a data platform, but it laid the groundwork for an open data architecture that continues to grow and evolve today, largely in the cloud. We got a peek at the future of this open data archit Read more…
Apache Iceberg: The Hub of an Emerging Data Service Ecosystem?
Engineers at Netflix and Apple created Apache Iceberg several years ago to address the performance and usability challenges of using Apache Hive tables in large and demanding data lake environments. Now the data table fo Read more…