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Tag: PySpark

Python Now a First-Class Language on Spark, Databricks Says

The Apache Spark community has improved support for Python to such a great degree over the past few years that Python is now a “first-class” language, and no longer a "clunky" add-on as it once was, Databricks co-fou Read more…

Starburst Brings Dataframes Into Trino Platform

Starburst customers who prefer to manipulate data using dataframes as opposed to regular SQL will be happy with a pair of announcements made today. That includes the introduction of PyStarburst, which provides a PySpark- Read more…

Spark 3.0 Brings Big SQL Speed-Up, Better Python Hooks

Apache Spark 3.0 is now here, and it’s bringing a host of enhancements across its diverse range of capabilities. The headliner is an big bump in performance for the SQL engine and better coverage of ANSI specs, while e Read more…
