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Tag: project management

Why Digital Transformations Failed and AI Implementations Are Likely To

In January, IBM presented a detailed study on why digital transformations have only provided between a -5% and 10% ROI instead of the projected 150% ROI. This is a huge delta that’s in line with our experiences with in Read more…

Beyond the Hype: 10 Core Principles for AI Success

The paradigm shift ushered in by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today's business and technological landscapes is nothing short of revolutionary. AI's potential to transform traditional business models, optimize operatio Read more…

How to Stop Failing at Data

Innovate or die. It’s one of the few universal rules of business, and it’s one of the main reasons we continue to invest so heavily in data. Only through data can we get the key insights we need to innovate faster, s Read more…

COVID-19 Gives AI a Reality Check

While it seems unlikely that AI will enter another nuclear winter, the current COVID-19 situation is giving enterprises the opportunity to rethink their AI strategies, giving the better AI projects more room to run, whil Read more…

The Secret to Data and Analytics Success Is…People

One of the most astonishing facts culled from the data and analytics field is the persistently high rate of failure. Despite the billions of dollars and millions of hours invested, the majority of data analytics projects Read more…

Want to Win at AI? Aim High, But Start Small

Brand leaders are starting to recognize that they are no longer competing on the basis of products or services alone. Increasingly, their prime battleground is consumer experience. In a recent survey, more than half of c Read more…

Hive Rolls Productivity Platform

Among the latest pitches for adopting predictive analytics are worker productivity tools that help enterprises understand what’s around the corner. The ability to forecast tomorrow’s workload is touted as a way to im Read more…

Precision Data Is The New Big Data

Businesses, especially big enterprise, are always looking to grow revenue by leveraging their most valuable asset, their installed bases. They know that leveraging their commercial (customer, partners and vendors) relati Read more…

Why Big Data Enhances the Need for Enterprise Information Management

Many EIM (enterprise information management) or data management programs do not live up to their potential, and the arrival of big data makes the need for enterprise information and data management even more significant. Read more…

How to Make Your Analytics Projects Pay

I was talking to an executive and he commented that his organization is struggling to gain value from their analytics initiatives. “It always looks good when it’s drawn on the board," he said. "But that is not how it Read more…
