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Tag: Postgres

The Hybrid Database Capturing Perishable Insights at Yiguo is the largest B2C fresh produce online marketplace in China, serving close to 5 million users and more than 1,000 enterprise customers. We have long devoted ourselves to providing fresh food for ordinary consu Read more…

EnterpriseDB Throws Down PostgreSQL Gauntlet

A new database development environment released earlier this month has been tweaked to leverage the NoSQL capabilities in PostgreSQL, the open source object-relational database tool, to build next-generation web applicat Read more…

Nine Databases in 45 Minutes

Miles Pomeroy, Chad Maughan, and Jonathan Geddes run through each database in five minutes each, thus the title, "9 Databases in 45 minutes." The video proceeds in efficient and occasionally amusing fashion, where a countdown clock and a gong keep the presentations terse. Read more…
