Tag: model drift
Can Retailers Trust Their Machine Learning Models?
As we inch closer to Black Friday and the start of the holiday buying extravaganza, retailers are putting the final touches on the demand forecasts they’re using to predict the mix of goods they’ll carry this winter. Read more…
Algorithmia, Datadog Team on MLOps
Tools continue to be introduced to allow machine learning developers to monitor model and application performance as well as anomalies like model and data drift—a trend one market tracker dubs “ModelOps.” The la Read more…
Staying On Top of ML Model and Data Drift
A lot of things can go wrong when developing machine learning models. You can use poor quality data, mistake correlation for causation, or overfit your model to the training data, just to name a few. But there are also a Read more…
It’s Time for MLOps Standards, Cloudera Says
Just as operational standards have been established for data management via DataOps, the industry needs to create open standards for machine learning operations, or MLOps, according to Cloudera, which today unveiled a ca Read more…