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Tag: Kibana

Log Storage Gets ‘Chaotic’ for Communications Firm

As the dedicated WiFi provider for the Toronto subway system, BAI Communications generates a fair amount of log data, which it stores and analyzes using the Elastic family of products, including Logstash and Kibana. But Read more…

ChaosSearch Widens the Zone for Data Lake Analytics

When ChaosSearch emerged from stealth last year, its mantra was all about enabling customers to run log analytics on massive amounts of data in Amazon S3 using familiar tools, like Kibana. With today’s update, the comp Read more…

Momentum Builds to Break Elasticsearch Licensing Deadlock

A backlash against Elastic’s licensing strategy continues to build, with critics promising to break the licensing log jam via a “community-owned Elasticsearch codebase.” The fight over the future of Elasticsearc Read more…

Update: Elastic Shifts Licensing Terms, Citing Amazon Moves

Elastic is modifying its licensing arrangements for source code underlying Elasticsearch and Kibana, creating a dual framework that the company insists will maintain access and collaboration within the open source effort Read more…

Elastic Upgrades Geospatial Data Tools

Elastic N.V has released a batch of new features to the latest version of its flagship Stack platform, including a visualization tool for geospatial data on the Kibana open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsea Read more…

Searching Elastic’s IPO Filing

Elastic filed paperwork last week to make an initial public offering (IPO) of stock to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol ESTC, making it the latest software firm with big data roots to test the Read more…

Mr. Robot Thrills Elastic Crowd with Real-World Hacks

Have you ever watched a hacking scene in a TV show or a movie and cringed at the flashing lights, the whirring sirens, and other ridiculous depictions of technology? The folks behind the hit hacker drama Mr. Robot sure h Read more…
