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Tag: Genomics

ML Patent Apps Still Soaring

Intellectual property continues to be the coin of the realm for technology companies, and in few data-driven industries is this truer than the booming field of machine learning. In its annual canvas of the fastest gro Read more…

Machine Learning for Science Proving Problematic

Scientists are raising red flags about the accuracy and reproducibility of conclusions drawn by machine learning frameworks. Among the remedies are developing new ML systems that can question their own predictions, show Read more…

Medicine’s Data Transformation, From Genomics to Reforms

The interaction of big data and healthcare is transforming medicine, but clinicians and regulators continue to struggle to achieve the ultimate goal of making data serve patients through "evidence-based care." Those w Read more…

Life Sciences Cultivate Streaming Analytics

Transatlantic partners are applying machine-learning algorithms to a financial HPC platform to develop predictive models for studying crop growth patterns and agriculture practices. The partners said the models would inc Read more…

Rice Genome Data Mined to Feed a Hungry Planet

The global population is forecast to top 7.7 billion human beings by 2020. As weather patterns change and, with them, global agricultural production, a new dataset containing the genome sequences of more than 3,000 rice Read more…

Five Ways Big Genomic Data Is Making Us Healthier

We've come a long ways since the human genome was first decoded 13 years ago. Thanks to continued advances in high performance computing and distributed data analytics, doctors and computer scientists are finding innovat Read more…

A Shoebox-Size Data Warehouse Powered by GPUs

When it comes to big data, the size of your computer definitely matters. Running SQL queries on 100 TB of data or joining billions of records, after all, requires horsepower. But organizations with big data aspirations a Read more…

Saving Children’s Lives with Big Genomics Data

It's estimated than one in 30 children is afflicted by one of 8,000 or so genetic diseases that we have discovered. Thanks to progress in the world of genomic testing—including faster genomic sequencers and better algo Read more…

Peek Inside a Hybrid Cloud for Big Genomics Data

Genomics, or the study of human genes, holds an enormous promise to improve the health of people. However, at 80GB to 250GB per sequenced genome, the sheer size of genomics data poses a considerable storage and processin Read more…

A New Sequence for Stanford

Stanford University, already a renowned genomics research institution, won approval for and is planning the building of an interdisciplinary genomics center. The center would rival that of MIT’s as well as Harvard’s Broad Institute for government funding and the top genomics personnel in the country. Read more…

Brown University Advances Genomics, Big Data Research

A $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health allow a computer science team from Brown University to better an algorithm used to detect mutated genes. It is thought that this algorithm could potentially be used to sift out irrelevant information in non-genomics big datasets. Read more…

DNA to Carry New Data Burden

Harvard scientists from the Wyss Institute have taken a significant step forward, encrypting 700 terabytes of data such that a single gram of DNA would carry almost a zettabyte of information, defeating the previous DNA information density record by a factor of a thousand. Read more…

Researchers Germinate Novel Approach to Big Bio Data

This week we talked with Michigan State University microbial researcher Dr. C. Titus Brown, assistant professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and head of MSU’s lab for Genomics, Evolution, and Development about how his team came up with a novel approach to addressing massive volumes of data for systems that.... Read more…

Stanford Pushes Genetic Research Data to Limits

Under the direction of Dr. Michael Snyder, Stanford’s Genetics Department is helping to push the envelope on big data and how it can advance genome research via the iPOP project, which will be using massive genomics dataset to further the.... Read more…

This Week’s Big Data Big Ten

This week's big data big ten for week ending May 4 includes data-intensive system news out of Australia, big genomics investments at key U.S. research centers, some multi-million sum investments in analytics platforms, and a few other items of interest, including HPCC Systems' move into Asia. Read more…

Startup Tackles University Genomics Bottlenecks

This week Appistry, a small company that has been making news this year, announced a new partnership with a university's genomics initiative to extend their capabilities to conduct plant and animal genome research through the use of.... Read more…

Scale-Out NAS Powering Genomics Business

Few industries are creating the kind of massive datasets that roll off genetic sequencing platforms, and genomics researchers are looking for scalable ways to manage the information with an eye on cost. EMC Isilon announced a customer win in genomics, putting scale-out NAS in the spotlight. Read more…

The Path to Personalized Medicine

Life sciences research and development professionals are among the first to claim an insatiable need for robust management, storage and compute resources. According to one researcher, the cloud and new research groups are providing valuable partnerships that are making personalized medicine a reality. Read more…

Genomics Project Taps SGI for Big Data Needs

Japan's Institute for Chemical Research has selected SGI's UV 1000 as its data-intensive computing system of choice to handle massive life sciences demands at Kyoto University for its GenomeNet project. Read more…
