Tag: Docker
Crunchy Data Container Suite Packages PostgresSQL
PostgreSQL databases can now be run and managed on Linux containers in cloud-native architectures with the release to the open source community of a database container suite. Open source PostgresSQL specialist Crunchy Read more…
Deploying Hadoop on User Namespace Containers
Hadoop is increasingly moving to the cloud, with the Gartner group reporting that over 50% of companies are considering a cloud only or hybrid cloud solution for Big Data. Altiscale has been offering a high-performance, Read more…
Teradata Puts Aster in Hadoop for IoT Analytics
The Internet of Things (IoT) is simultaneously a colossal data management challenge and the analytic opportunity of a lifetime. Teradata (NYSE: TDC) addressed both of those today with two product announcements, including Read more…
Mashape Analytics Targets Micro-Services, APIs
As the enterprise market grows for micro-services architectures and associated APIs, a real-time analytics tool is designed to evaluate the performance of APIs and how they function within micro-services. San Francisc Read more…