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Tag: data mining

SEC Mines Data to Spot Insider Trading

Using an internal analytics platform along with commercial data mining tools, federal securities investigators are using billions of rows of trading data collected over the last decade to spot insider-trading schemes. Read more…

Unstructured Data Miners Chase Silver with Deep Learning

The traditional approach to mining unstructured data typically involves training machine learning models upon high-quality "gold standard" data that's been meticulously groomed. But thanks to innovations in deep learning Read more…

Big Data and the Cloud: Uncover New Insights Hiding in Your Data

Modern data science can unlock new innovation in healthcare, bioinformatics, genetic research, and other related fields. New personalized medicine programs, for instance, can identify previously unrecognized disease risk Read more…

Why Winning Politics Is Now Tied to Big Data Analytics

One of the storylines in this year's presidential election is how both major political parties are using big data analytics to inform their decisions and try to get ahead. But what you may not realize is how pervasive bi Read more…

What Lies Beneath Development

The world is all abuzz talking about big data and using analytics to help improve business results. Ironically, software teams rarely use data to analyze and improve their own processes. Many internal software teams toda Read more…

Using Big Data Analytics to Fight Gambling Addiction

It's estimated that 3 to 5 percent of people who gamble develop an addiction to the activity, which can lead to an array of problems for gamblers, their families, and society at large. Millions are spent annually treatin Read more…

Documentary Probes the Human Face of Big Data

The huge impact that big data analytics is having on how we interact with each other and learn about the world is the topic of a new PBS documentary airing tonight at 10 p.m. locally titled "The Human Face of Big Data." Read more…

Gartner Sees Analytics Boom as More Data is Shared

Advanced analytics techniques like data and text mining, machine learning and visualization are poised to shake up entire industries as more enterprises leverage proprietary algorithms along with emerging platforms to se Read more…

Distributed Computing Tops List of Hottest Job Skills

If you have cloud and distributed computing skills, your job prospects for 2016 are golden. That's because those particular job skills—which parallel the rise of Hadoop and other distributed computing frameworks--topp Read more…

Machine Learning’s Big Role in the Future of Cybersecurity

Information security has always been a cat and mouse game. The good guys build a new wall, and the bad guys figure out a way over it, under it, or around it. But lately, the bad guys seem to be circumventing our walls wi Read more…

Spy vs. Spy: China Eyes Data Mining

The timing is interesting: China's official Xinhau News Agency moved a story this week about government agencies embracing big data. The dispatch came weeks after the United States accused China of hacking a U.S. personn Read more…

Why Apple Isn’t Biting on ‘Data for Discounts’ Model

Apple is the most valuable company in the history of the world, with millions of loyal customers using its devices and software to communicate and connect to the Internet. Despite being in prime situation to mine its cus Read more…

How Big Data Is Changing How Businesses Use The News

In the old days, a folded copy of The Wall Street Journal was the sign of a well-informed executive. My, how times have changed. While the WSJ is still a good read, big data technology is super-charging how businesses us Read more…

It’s Time to Think Differently About Mining Big Data

Everywhere we look today, big data is finally beginning to have an impact. Hospitals are using it to analyze patient populations, big pharma is using it to find new and better drugs faster, supply chain managers are sque Read more…

Dato Aims to Unleash Machine Learning

The new year started with a bang for GraphLab, the big data analytics startup headquartered near Seattle. Today the company announced the completion of an $18.5 million Series B round of venture funding. It also just cha Read more…

‘Datathons’ Emerge as Training, Recruitment Tool

As a big data ecosystem begins to flourish, "datathons" are emerging as a way to attract future data scientists since participants are required during competitions to collaborate with team members from other disciplines. Read more…

Can You Trust Your Algorithms?

Algorithms are critical to how we interact with data. And as the volume and variety of data increases, so does our reliance on algorithms to give us the answers we seek. But how much faith should you put into those algor Read more…

Radoop: A Predictive Analytic Alternative to R on Hadoop

The Hungarian firm Radoop today unveiled the second version of its eponymous product, which integrates Rapid Miner's data mining and predictive analytic tools atop Apache Hadoop. Radoop 2.0 brings many of the features available in Hadoop version 2, including support for YARN, as well as new operators and easier scoring of models. Read more…

Real-Life Miners Find Gold with Data Analytics

Part of the fun of watching Discovery Channel's hit reality TV show "Gold Rush" is guessing which piece of equipment will break next. Will Todd Hoffman lose another excavator in the swamp? Or maybe Parker Schnabel will push his wash plant beyond the breaking point? It's good stuff, but in the real world of mining, equipment failures are no laughing matter. Now IBM and mining giant Thiess are using big data analytics to minimize their impact. Read more…

A Deluge of Data and a Dearth of Data Scientists

Today data is growing at a very fast rate, doubling every nine months, and already the scarcity of qualified data scientists is cause for concern. Who are these mysterious data scientists? What kinds of skills should they have? What are their characteristics and qualities? Where can you find them? Read more…
