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Tag: data blending

How This Instrument Firm Tackled Big Data Blending

Thanks to the ongoing digitalization of the world, we're constantly awash in data of all types. From structured data like sales reports and customers list to semi-structured data like photographs and clickstreams, nearly Read more…

9 Places to Get Big Data Now

Discussions of big data often revolve around what new technologies and processes people are using to analyze data. Hadoop, in-memory databases, and machine learning algorithms are getting lots of attention in this regard Read more…

We’re All Chefs in the Business Intelligence Kitchen

When I grew up, meatloaf was a feast.  Today, it’s at best “old-school.” Recipes are less frequently “passed down” than they are improved upon, deconstructed or “played on.”  Cooking shows seem to be on e Read more…

The New Data Blending Mandate

An axiom of big data say that, as data volume and complexity grows, it becomes harder for organizations to extract meaning from the data. One solution to this dilemma that is gaining momentum is data blending, which provides a new real-time, analytics-oriented twist on the batch-oriented ETL data integration processes of old. Read more…
