Tag: cray
Kepler AutoML Targets Next-Gen Business Analysts
As more companies roll out digital infrastructure, they are ingesting greater volumes of data that can be used by business analysts to gauge customer intent and boost transactions. Complexity and lack of data scientists Read more…
Cray Bakes Big Data Software Framework Into Urika-GX Analytics Platform
Cray continued its courtship of the advanced scale enterprise market with today’s launch of the Urika-GX, a system that integrates Cray supercomputing technologies with an agile big data platform designed to run multip Read more…
Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Performance at Scale
<p>When organizations sequence and analyze DNA molecules, a common workflow includes steps to move large sets of intermediate or processed data between sequencers and systems dedicated to assembly and analysis. Cray solutions are tailored to meet the computation and data management challenges of today’s next-generation sequencing environments.</p> Read more…
IDC’s View on Cray Cluster Supercomputers for HPC and Big Data Markets
It’s well known that the high performance computing (HPC) market has grown quickly over the last couple of decades. In fact, the HPC market has tripled in size from $3.7 billion in the mid-1990s to $11.1 billion in 2012 according to IDC. Read more…
Marking Spikes for the Enterprise Graph
In some ways, the story of Sun Microsystems closely parallels what’s happening with the present merge between high performance computing and the more enterprise-geared momentum behind big data. According to a former Sun lead on the R&D side and current research and development exec at Cray's big data arm, this story can be.... Read more…
Gartner Exclaims “uRiKA!”
Hadoop is synonymous with big data, but perhaps, according to Carl Claunch of Gartner, it should not be. Instead, he suggests an in-memory system like YarcData’s uRiKA might better suited to handle big data graph problems. The research group recently concluded that the in-memory approach-- Read more…
HPC Accelerates the Rate of Scientific Discovery!
There have been numerous breakthroughs in science during the last year, utilizing the many unique advances in high performance supercomputing. National Laboratories, Universities and Research Centers worldwide have been leveraging HPC to push the human understanding of physics, chemistry and biology across numerous application domains – let’s look at some examples. Read more…
Why Cray is Clamoring for Your Code
Cray has thrown out a $100k challenge to attract the best of breed in graph problem solvers. In addition to highlighting the need for innovative new graph problems, Cray wants to highlight the increasing adoption of RDF/SPARQL as the industry standard for graph analytics. We speak with the company's YarcData division president to find out..... Read more…
Entry-Level HPC: Proven at a Petaflop, Affordably Priced!
Don't have a super budget? You can still own a premier high performance supercomputer with proven technology and reliability. New entry-level configurations and options enable you to configure the optimal balance of price, performance, power, and footprint for your unique and exacting requirements. Read more…
Fujitsu Says Big Data Pushing HPC into Mainstream
According to many in the HPC community, especially on the hardware side, the big data trend (and all the buzz associated with it) is creating new opportunities for the once “high and mighty” world of supercomputing. This is a field that.... Read more…
Cray Parlays Supercomputing Technology Into Big Data Appliance
For the first time in its history, Cray has built something other than a supercomputer. On Wednesday, the company's newly hatched YarcData division launched "uRiKA," a hardware-software solution aimed at real-time knowledge discovery with terascale-sized data sets. The system is designed to serve businesses and government agencies that need to do high-end analytics in areas as diverse as social networking, financial management, healthcare, supply chain management, and national security. Read more…
Cray Opens Doors on Big Data Developments
This week we talked with Cray CEO, Peter Ungaro and the new lead behind the company's just-announced big data division, Arvind Parthasarathi. The latter joined the supercomputing giant recently from Informatica and brings a fresh, software-focused presence to a company that is now an official... Read more…
Interview: Cray CEO Sees Big Future in Big Data
During the this year's annual Supercomputing Conference (SC11) in Seattle, Cray's home turf, we caught up with the company's CEO, Peter Ungaro to talk about the increasing meld between big data and traditional supercomputing--and what this blend could portend for Cray going forward. Read more…