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Tag: complex event processing

Becoming an Event-Driven Enterprise

Events drive modern business. A website click, a credit card swipe, the turn of a gear – almost any event now can be digitized to create business value. Enterprises that analyze events as they happen are more agile Read more…

Five Ways to Apply Streaming Analytics Now

Streaming analytics is moving into the mainstream as more enterprises capitalize on the technology to gain greater efficiency, competitiveness, and profitability. And as a result, the streaming analytics market will grow Read more…

Acquisition Validates Concord’s Event-Based Approach

We suggested during the summer that companies looking for a stream-processing engine for fast data applications featuring high-throughput and low-latency may want to check out startup Concord Systems Inc. Someone did: Read more…

Capital Markets Push CEP to the Limit

This week we take a big picture look at complex event processing for the capital markets game. According to officials from Sybase, TIBCO, Streambase, OneMarketData and others, turning big data into fast, usable data has always been a challenge, but new platforms are pushing the limits in terms of... Read more…

CEP Commands Database Deathwatch

Several in the arena of complex event processing, including TIBCO and StreamBase, have argued for some time that the days of the mighty database are numbered. Real-time streams of data that can provide in the moment actionable information are the.... Read more…

IBM Big Data VP Surveys Landscape

Following a discussion with IBM's Vice President of Big Data Products, we gained a real-time view into how the company is addressing the influx of startups and open source competitors, what it plans to do further inroads into complex event processing technologies and how IBM will stay ahead of the next generation of big data needs streaming from.... Read more…

Complex Event Processing, Big Data Collide

When it comes to evaluating options for complex event processing, there are many options to explore from established software vendors, including Sybase, Oracle, Tibco, Streambase, Informatica, and so on. However, looking to the smaller players sheds some light.... Read more…

Sybase Brings Continuous Intelligence to Financial Services

This week Sybase's Neil McGovern described the concept of continuous intelligence for financial markets, pointing to the critical role that complex event processing plays in allowing organizations to make split-second decisions based on a stream of near real-time data. Read more…
