Tag: Apache Beam
Apache Beam Cuts Processing Time 94% for LinkedIn
Like many large companies, LinkedIn relied on the Lamba architecture to run separate batch and streaming workloads, with a form of reconciliation at the end. After implementing Apache Beam, it was able to combine batch a Read more…
Kaskada Accelerates ML Workflow with Its Feature Store
There’s a lot of surface area in the typical data science workflow for the purveyors of automation to attack. What moves the needle for the folks at the startup Kaskada is the feature engineering and deployment stage, Read more…
Databricks, Talend Expand Cloud Access to Spark
Databricks and Talend, the cloud data integration vendor, are joining forces to help data jockeys scale their integration efforts using the Apache Spark analytics engine hosted on Talend’s cloud. Databricks, the cre Read more…
Talend Unveils Free Data Streaming Solution
Talend today launched a data streaming solution based on Apache Beam that is free of charge for users. The company says Talend Data Streams makes it easy for non-technical users to build data pipelines in the AWS cloud t Read more…
Google/ASF Tackle Big Computing Trade-Offs with Apache Beam 2.0
Trade-offs are a part of life, in personal matters as well as in computers. You typically cannot have something built quickly, built inexpensively, and built well. Pick two, as your grandfather would tell you. But appare Read more…
Flink Aims to Simplify Stream Processing
Apache Flink has emerged as a powerful framework for building real-time stream processing applications that has gained traction by some of the most progressive tech companies in the world, including at Netflix, Uber, and Read more…
Google Lauds Outside Influence on Apache Beam
Apache Beam started life as a decidedly Google-ish technology designed to mask the complexity inherent in building sophisticated analytic pipelines that run across distributed systems. But over the course of becoming a t Read more…
Spark Takes On Dataflow in Benchmark Test
Google Cloud Dataflow crunched data two to five times faster than Apache Spark in a benchmark test of batch analytics performed by Mammoth Data. While Dataflow's raw power is impressive, don't throw in the towel on Spark Read more…
Apache Beam’s Ambitious Goal: Unify Big Data Development
If you're tired of using multiple technologies to accomplish various big data tasks, you may want to consider Apache Beam, a new distributed processing tool from Google that's now incubating at the ASF. One of the cha Read more…