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Tag: algorithms

Human Insight Is Key To Utilizing Data

For some, the big data revolution represents a clear progression toward a new (and inevitable) way of seeing the world. Like the driverless cars that pilot themselves down I-280 during morning rush hour in San Mateo Cou Read more…

Gartner Sees Analytics Boom as More Data is Shared

Advanced analytics techniques like data and text mining, machine learning and visualization are poised to shake up entire industries as more enterprises leverage proprietary algorithms along with emerging platforms to se Read more…

Startup to Offer Neural Network Training in the Cloud

One of the most time-consuming components of using deep neural networks is training the algorithms to do their jobs. It can often take weeks to train or re-train the network--and that's after you set it up. A startup cal Read more…

Machine Learning’s Big Role in the Future of Cybersecurity

Information security has always been a cat and mouse game. The good guys build a new wall, and the bad guys figure out a way over it, under it, or around it. But lately, the bad guys seem to be circumventing our walls wi Read more…

H2O Raises $20 Million to Scale Machine Learning Biz

In yet another sign of the rise of machine learning, today announced the close of a $20 million series B round of funding, bringing its total funding to $34 million, and giving it additional capital to grow its sa Read more…

Wall Street Firm Seeks Small Data Antidote to Big Market Excesses

The advent of algorithmic trading has fundamentally changed Wall Street. Instead of guys in blue suits buying or selling in the pit, complex algorithms developed by Ivy League quants continually execute trades based on l Read more…

Schools Get a Leg Up on Terrorists with Big Data

Governments around the world spend billions of dollars each year trying to prevent terrorist attacks, with varying degree of success. When preventative efforts fail, the next best option is to help potential victims prep Read more…

The 3 Key Steps to Building a Predictive App with Machine Learning

Machine learning is the technology that allows businesses to make sense of vast quantities of data, make better decisions, and ultimately bring better services to consumers. From personalized recommendations to fraud det Read more…

Note to Selfie: This Algorithm Will Improve Your Picture-Taking Skills

The number of photographs we're taking is skyrocketing, thanks to new smartphones with powerful cameras and easy access to photo sharing sites. While the quantity of pics has increased, the quality has not kept pace. Res Read more…

How Open Source is Failing R for Big Data

At this year's UseR! conference in Los Angeles, John Chambers, the father of the S language and thus grandfather of the R language, noted that R was designed as an interface to the best algorithms. And indeed the R langu Read more…

Microsoft Spins Up a Machine Learning Cloud

Microsoft today revealed Azure Machine Learning, a new hosted machine learning offering that will become available as a public preview next month. The new cloud offering is geared at helping data scientists get a powerfu Read more…

How Big Data Imagery from Satellites May Help Your Business

Your vice president of marketing may excel at giving the "30,000-foot view" of your company's activities. But what do they look like from 150 miles up? That's the question that an audacious startup called Skybox Imaging Read more…

A Prediction Machine Powered by Big Social Data

What if you had a machine that could predict what people will be talking about on the Internet over the next three days. How would you use that information? The folks at Blab say they have created such a machine, and the way its customers are using it might surprise you. Read more…

Playing Ball with MLB’s New Analytic Data Feed

Baseball has always been a game of numbers and statistics. But Major League Baseball is taking that tradition to new heights this season with a pair of technology products, including a new play tracking system that will generate a big data feed of player movements on every play, as well as a new video replay system that's brand new for 2014. Read more…

Forget the Algorithms and Start Cleaning Your Data

The idea that the combination of predictive algorithms and big data will change the world is a tempting one. And it may end up being true. But for right now, the industry is facing a reality check when it comes to big data analytics. Instead of focusing on what algorithms to use, your big data success depends more on how well you cleaned, integrated, and transformed your data. Read more…

Why Medicine Needs Big Data

The domain of big data and its associated algorithms make it possible to access and analyze vast stores of structured and unstructured data, leading to informed decision-making and the efficient allocation of resources. While many businesses are benefitting from this new breed of tools, the medical field has not experienced the same level of adoption, but the promise of personalized medicine may change that. Read more…

0xdata Lands Big Hadoop Certs for Algorithm Kit

If Hadoop represents the engine of computing's future and big data its fuel, then the algorithms that crunch the data represent the brains that control where the big data vehicle goes. 0xdata, a startup that develops algorithms for big data analytics, got a big boost this week when four major Hadoop vendors gave their blessing to run its flagship offering, called H20, on their distros. Read more…

How Data Analytics Can Help Frackers Find Oil

The dirty little secret about fracking--besides the environmental concerns--is how inefficient it often is. According to industry estimates, only 20 percent of the oil is recovered in the average well drilled with hydraulic fracturing techniques. With an oil and gas boom underway in the United States, drilling and exploration outfits are increasingly turning to data analytic technologies to help them recover more of the black gold. Read more…

Wolfram: Software the Hard Part

The development of algorithms that enable non-data scientists and executives the ability to access big data will be the over-arching trend over the next 5 years said luminary Stephen Wolfram in a recent interview. Read more…

The Algorithmic Magic of Trendspotting

Trendspotting is big business for social networks and large-scale business alike. To tap into how code is woven into a trend-aware fabric, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis explains how the masters of all trend-watching algos, the experts at Twitter, conjure up... Read more…
